5. Choose a software program.

There are many data visualization tools to choose from, including some great free options. Your agency or organization may license a tool like Microsoft Power BI or Tableau, which you could consider. Some data visualization tools to consider include:

Program Description Links
Tyler Tech (fka Socrata) Tyler Technologies Data & Insights (formerly known as Socrata) provides the software that powers the Connecticut Open Data Portal. Users of the Open Data Portal can use the data visualization tools built into the platform to create charts and maps based on datasets hosted on the Portal. Access Socrata support articles about data visualizations here.
Excel Excel is a common spreadsheet and graphing program that can be used to make effective data visualizations. Depict Data Studio is a helpful resource for data visualization in Excel.
Power BI Power BI is a business analytics tool provided by Microsoft that can be used to develop interactive dashboards. For agencies that are supported by the CT Bureau of Information Technology Solutions (BITS), staff interested in using Power BI should reach out their CSM to inquire about getting access to Power BI. Access trainings on Power BI here.
Tableau Tableau is a popular dashboard tool with free and paid versions. Tableau lets users create interactive dashboards with no code required. For agencies that are supported by the CT Bureau of Information Technology Solutions (BITS), staff interested in using Tableau should reach out their CSM to inquire about getting access to Tableau. Tableau Public (the free version) can be downloaded here.
ArcGIS Online ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based mapping and analysis tool that can be used to create interactive maps and data visualizations. Esri Map Gallery
Datawrapper Datawrapper is a web-based data visualization tool that lets users create charts, maps, and tables through a point-and-click interface and embed the visualizations in their own websites. Free and paid versions are available. Datawrapper can be accessed online here.
R R is a programming language for data management, analysis, visualization and dashboards, often used in the open-source software RStudio. R is a versatile and powerful tool for data visualization but has a steeper learning curve than no-code data visualization options. Download R here. Download R Studio here.